Monday, September 5, 2011

Powder Supplements

Now on to some of the powder supplements that I take, and also recommend taking if you’re asking a lot from your body on a daily basis. 
  • 10lb Dymatize Elite Whey Protein
    The first supplement is as basic as it gets.  Whey Protein!  I drink two double serving shakes a day.  I take one in the morning right when I wake up and also one post workout.  I get my post workout shake in me as soon as I get in the locker room.  An hour later I will eat a solid meal as well.  Whey protein helps aid in rebuilding muscle tissue after a strenuous workout.

  • Glutamine is an amino acid that helps with muscle repair, reduces soreness, and aids recovery.  Taking glutamine will allow you to get back in the gym sooner.  I take 20g of glutamine throughout the day.  I mix it with a gallon of Crystal Light in the morning and make sure it’s gone by the end of the day.

  • Branched Chain Amino Acids BCCA’s are referring to the three essential amino acids; Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine.  These are the most import of the 9 essential amino acids to repair and build muscle.  Taking BCAA’s will help speed up muscle recovery, but it will also aid in muscle breakdown when you are dieting down.   I’m also taking 20g of BCAA’s a day.  I take it four times a day; wakeup, before workout, after workout, and before bed.  I find the taste of these AWFUL!!  So I just put a serving of powder right on my tongue and chase it with crystal light.  I found mixing it just doesn’t work for me :P

  • The last of my powders arsenal is Casein Protein.  I take this protein at night before bed because it’s very this and It’s slow digesting.  I’ve had a bad track record of waking up in the middle of the night and grabbing not so optimal food choices while I’m half asleep J  I found that a Casein Protein shake helps a little with that.  I will put another shake on my night stand, so if/when I wake up, I’ll drink this and not even head for the kitchen.  My pantry is NOT very bodybuilder friendly, so it makes dieting a struggle at times.

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