Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Pill Box

Staying consistent with taking you daily vitamins is crucial when you’re asking a lot of your body on a day to day basis. Whether you’re having busy days on the job, training for an endurance event, a strength event, or just staying active; you should be supplementing unless your diet plan is textbook perfect. 

Daily Regimen

Supplements should not be taken in place of the food itself.  They should be taken to make sure your getting enough and used as more of a safety net. 

"For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned"
Morning, Noon, and Night!

A good place to start with supplementation is find a good multi vitamin and fish oil.  A multi vitamin is a good cheap way to make sure your getting all the nutrients that you need.  This is very important if you are dieting.  If fat loss is your goal then fish oil is another supplement to stack it with.  Many studies show that taking a fish oil supplement along with exercise will help aid in your fat loss goal.  Fish oil also aids in cardiovascular disease prevention. 

Some other supplements that I take on a daily basis to aid with my training are Glucosamine & Chondroitin, Potassium, and Calcium.  I’m taking these for joint health, and muscle cramps.  The calcium is because I currently take in no dairy because I’m cutting down for competition.

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